Executive Master of Business Administration


Overview Description

The main emphasis of this programme is on international business, leadership, information technology and strategic management. There is a strong professional and practical orientation, based on case study method, to the curriculum. Due to the maturity and work experience of the students, MBA programme is expected to be different in their objectives, recruitments and pedagogical process to others Masters degrees in business and management.

Knowledge, Understanding and Skills.

Executive MBA graduates will have been able to ground their new knowledge within the base of their professional experience. They will be able to reflect on and learn from that prior experience and thus be able to integrate new business concepts with past experience and apply it to new situations. They should also have particular strengths in analysing, synthesising and solving complex and global business problems. In addition to being able to communicate their findings, they should have developed the skills to implement agreed solutions effectively and efficiently.

Knowledge, Understanding and Skills.

American University engages in systematic, ongoing learning assessment and evaluation procedures to determine student learning and to assess how well our University is meeting its own internal and external (British, European and US) quality objectives. To provide our students with best quality our teaching staff is constantly involved in real business activities as well as public life to support high academic standards with professional experience.
