Systems of awarding the Scientific Degrees , Emeritus Degrees and Certificates
Systems of awarding the Scientific Degrees , Emeritus Degrees in American University
(Special systems issued based upon the American University Article of Association )
- This systems is called (Systems of awarding the Scientific Degrees , Emeritus Degrees and Certificates in American University) and it will be implemented from it’s date.
- American University awards the following scientific degrees, emeritus degrees and certificates:
- Executive Bachoulr
- Post Graduate Diploma Degree
- Bachelor Degree
- Post Graduate Diploma Degree
- Master Degree
- Doctorate Degree
- Emeritus Doctorate Degree
- Any other Scientific degrees or emeritus degrees or certificates will be issued by a decision of the University Council.
- The dean’s council or it representative in the seat country will issue officially instruction and regulations determined the requirements and conditions necessary to award the scientific degrees and the certificates and shows the fields and specialties which awarded each degree or certificate.
- The dean’s council or it representative in the seat country will issue officially instruction and regulations determined the requirements and conditions necessary to award the emeritus degrees.
- The scientific degrees and certificates are awarded by a decision of the deans council or it’s representative officially in the seat country based upon the recommendation from the concerned college council.
- The emeritus degrees will be awarded by a decision from the deans council based upon a recommendation from the university president or his representative officially in the seat country.
- The deans council or his representative in the seat country issues the necessary regulations to implement the stipulations of this system.
The student awarded the Bachelor degree after completing the following requirements:
- Must succeed in all subjects required for graduation in the established study plan.
- Must obtain an accumulated average do not less than (60%) in the study plan subjects
- Complete the other requirements required by the study plan such as the (Assignment Examination) if the university sees it is necessary to be conducted in the student country.
- Do not exceed the maximum period allowed to get the Bachelor Degree.]
Regulations of Awarding the Bachelor Degree
These regulations called ( Regulations of awarding the Bachelor Degree in American University) for the year 1995 and it will be implemented effective the beginning of the first academic year of the student.
These regulations are applied on the students from all colleges and the university specialties registered to get the Bachelor Degree and all over the World.
Study Plan
- The university council or his representative in the students seat country the study plans that leads to get the Bachelor Degree in the specialties presented by the university in it’s International Learning Distance Program in eh student seat country.
- the study plan is submitted based upon the year systems or the semester system and it’s equivalent from the credit hours for an average of (3) credit hours to each subject and a total number of not less than (132) credit hours to obtain the Bachelor Degree and do not contradict with the International learning distance regulations law stated above.
- It is determined for each subject in the study plan (3) credit hours and it is a allowed through a decision from the dean council or it’s representative in the student’s seat country to decrease or increase that.
- Credit hours required to obtain the Bachelor Degree are distributed in the university colleges according to the following:
- University requirements (30) credit hours ( 10 subjects)
- College requirements (30) credit hours (10 subjects)
- Specialty requirements (72) credit hours ( Twenty four subject)
- Assignment examination in case it is determined will form only between 20-40% from the general average of the student and according to what is decided by the university on time.
- It is allotted (3) credit hours for each subject and it is allowed in a special cases to decrease to one credit hour and increase to a maximum of (6) credit hours.
- Subjects stated in the study plan will be classified on the basis of four five levels.
- the previous or synchronized requirements (if exist) with each subject.
- Each subject is given a number as a reference for the purpose of distinguish it from other subjects.
- Must state infront of each subject number of lectures and number of laboratory hours , the weekly or applicable and number of the credit hours if necessary.
Study Duration
- Study duration to obtain the Bachelor Degree for the regular student is four study years, and it may be two academic years as a minimum for the students whom they are bridging on the intermediate Diploma that do not less than two years after successfully passing the general secondary in one of the institute or university colleges or in case that the student was transferred from a recognized university in condition that the duration that the student must spend to obtain the bachelor degree from American University do not less than two academic years i.e. 50% from the required period to obtain the Bachelor degree.
- It is not permitted that the period that the student spend registered in the study to get the Bachelor Degree more than six years.
- The minimum level for the credit hours studied by the student registered to obtain the bachelor degree (Study duration) (33) credit hours for the academic year consists of two semesters (11 subjects).
In case that he failed with more than (3) subjects he will be considered failed and he must repeat the whole year. The student is given one chance to perform the three complementary subjects after a period of two to three months from the end of the university year after the examination periods over for that year and after paying the established fees.
Examinations, Grades and Averages
- Grades are computed and posted for each subjects in percentage showing number of credit hours and the final grade is posted without fractions ( to the nearest correct number).
The final grade for each subject is the total of the final examination grade that allows the student to enter at the end of the established academic year and it is allotted a grade of 50% and it will be comprehensive and in writing for the subject. In condition that the concerned sections or supervised committees must show how they distribute the grades put to the practical subjects and the assignment examination (in case approved) but must be approved by the university or it’s representative in the student’s seat country. - The section chief or the subject teacher working for American University must inform the students registered in these subjects about the method of evaluation of these subjects, but for the dates of the final examinations it will be announced prior to it’s conduct in enough time in order to have all the students informed.
- The final examination papers will be kept for a suitable period of time, then it will be disposed by the college dean or the liaison office manager and the acceptance and registration manager.
- Subject teacher is responsible for auditing the examination papers and the special examination papers for his subjects and transmit them into the final statements correctly and announce them to the students after it is approved by the college council or it’s representative in the students country and then from the university according to regulations.
- Final grades list for each subject in it’s details are forwarded to the section for study and submitted to the college dean in a period do not exceed than (72) hours for the date of conducting the final examination.
- the college council decides the grades and keeps a copy from it in the college and a copy will be sent the acceptance and registration department in the Liaison Office in the student seat country.
- The acceptance and registration department audits the grades and post them.
- Any one who gets absent from an announced examination, he must submit his reasons and justification during three days from the date of the reason and when accepting this justification, the subject teacher must compensate the student with another examination in a date not more than one month from the date of accepting the justification.
- Any one who gets absent from the final examination without reason or justification accepted by the college dean, his grade for that examination will be considered (Zero). Anyhow , he must submit the reasons in writing in a period do not exceed more than one week from the date of finishing the reason.
- Letter (A) ( Student is absent) against the subject that the student was absent from the final examination.
- Incase that the student gets absent from the announced final examination with a reason submitted to the college dean for the studied subject, the dean or the manager will inform his decision to accept the reason and forwarded it to the section chief and the subject teacher to conduct a compensated final examination to the student. This compensated examination will be conducted mostly in a period maximum not later than the end of the next year( the student registered in it) for the year that the student get absents with a reason. The college dean , acceptance and registration section will be informed of his decision in a period mostly do not exceed than two weeks from the date of the examination.
- In case that the student did not attend the compensated examination during the specified period , so he will get the grade of (Zero) for that examination, and upon the grade is completed , it will be included within the annual and accumulated average, and the accumulated average will be retroactive (Document) according to the student position either for warning or dismissing.
- It is permitted to the student to ask to review is grade in the final examination in any subject in a period do not exceed more than two weeks from the beginning of announcing the final results officially and after paying the established fees. The dean or his representative in this case must assure of there are no mistakes in the collecting the grades or transfer them and from finding that there are no questions are corrected. This will be done through a committee established for this purpose from the dean or his representative, the section chief, subject teacher or one of it’s teachers and correct the mistake if exist.
- Minimum limit for the pass grade in the subject is (50%)
- Minimum limit for pass in the accumulative average is (60%)]
- The failing grade is fixed if it was (35%) and above as it is and any grade less than (35%) will be raised to (35%)
- The following estimation is allotted to the subject grades and the percentage for the semester average and the accumulative.:
Subject grade or Average Estimation 94-100 Superior 84- Less than 94 Excellent 76- less than 84 Very good 76- less than 84 Good 60 – less than 68 Accepted 50-less than 60 Week Less than 50% Fail - The accumulated average will be the average of the grades for all subjects that the students passes or fail until the date of computing that average according to the study plan authorized by American University
- The accumulated average is fixed to the nearest two fractions
- It is permitted to consult in distributing the grades for each subject with the Jersey curve principle and use the following distribution list:
Maximum for percentage allotted for each estimation Estimation 12.5% Excellent 15.0% Very good 30.0% Good 15.0% Accepted 15.0% Week 12.5% Fail