Regulation issued based upon the awarding system of the scientific degrees, emeritus degrees and certificates in American University.
These regulation is called ( Regulation of awarding the Master Degree in American University
The following words & phrases will have the meaning stated opposite it unless it is stated against that:
The University : American University
The Office : The University Liaison Office in the Student seat country
The council : The Dean council or it’s represent6aive in the student’s country
The Dean : The College Dean concerned with the program
The College : Any College of the university colleges
The Section : Any section from the academic sections in the college
The Student : The Master Degree student
The Master : The Master Degree
- The Master degree requirements consists of not less than (33) credit hours and according to the study plan decided by the dean council or it’s representative and the master degree has two tracks :
- Study subjects not less than (24) credit hours and passes in them
- Present a graduation dissertation for (9) credit hours and pass in it and must be evaluated by the concerned dean or his representative.
- The credit hours required in the Master Degree Program are distributed to the curriculum system for the two years with a graduation assignment must be evaluated and not discussed as follows :
- (24) credit hours all over the two years with an average of (8) subjects and each subject has (3) credit hours.
- The university dissertation (Assignment) has (9) credit hours and must not be less than (18thousand words) and must be delivered before two months from the date of the second year examination – the graduation year and according to the dean or his representative instructions in the student seat country.
- It is permitted to the dean to decide the study of comprehend subjects he sees they are necessary to upgrade the scientific level of the student not exceed of (18) credit hours.
- The student must finish the study of the comprehend subjects according to the authorized study plan.
- The comprehend credit hours will not be computed with the credit hours required for the master and their grades will not be entered within the student’s accumulated average.
- The dean council or his representative determine in each academic year number of the students accepted in each program from the master program.
- The student will be accepted in the Master Degree Program in the following conditions:
- Must have the Bachelor Degree or equivalent with an estimation not less than (Good) from a recognized university or an estimation not less than ( very Good) in the Post Graduate Diploma in the specialty field or the related fields, and he can upgraded to the Master second year based upon the credit hours he studied.
- It is possible and based upon the recommendations of dean accept the students whom they have (Accepted) estimation in the Bachelor Degree in condition that he must submit an experience certificate for a period not less than two years in the field of specialty after his graduation from the university that he obtained the Bachelor Degree form it.
- The Bachelor Degree must be in a specialty that qualifies the student to the specialty study in the Master Degree Program he desires according to the study plans for that specialty.
- Registration application in the Master Degree Program will be submitted to the acceptance and registration department in the liaison office in the student’s seat country on the authorized form during the period determined by the university and all necessary evidence documentation must be attached to the application.
- Differentiation among the students submitted to the program in competition according to the standards determined by the dean council and based upon the recommendation of the concerned dean.
- It is not permitted to accept the student in two study programs in one time in any study stage.
- It is not permitted to compute any subject from outside the study plan in the university that the student joined in the program based upon it unless it is stated in the plan itself or through a decision by the dean.
- It is a condition that the period the student will be registered to obtain the Master Degree must not be more than (6) study semesters (three study years).
- Disconnected , postpone or withdraw period from study with an excuse must not exceed more than one study year, and this period will not be computed from the maximum time allowed for the study period to obtain the Master Degree stated above.
- It is permitted to extend the postpone period for two additional study semesters based upon a recommendation from the dean.
- The maximum limit for the supplementary (3) three subjects according to the plan for the full Master Degree (9) credit hours) and it must be completed before the graduation and the maximum limit for the supplementary allowed for the assignment subject (3) hours from the origin (9 credit hours).
- the student will not be considered registered in any study semester or study year until he completed paying his established fees in the specific dates.
- Who ever be absent from the declared final examination with an accepted excuse, a remark will be recorded for him (not complete) and be informed accepting the excuse to the subject teacher to conduct a compensated examination to the student in a period maximum of three months.
- In the sick leave excuse, it is condition that it must be through a certificate issued by a specialized doctor or a hospital, and this certificate must be submitted to the college dean during a period do not exceed more than two weeks from the date of absent from the examination and in the other force majuare , the student must submit his justification during two weeks from absent clearance.
- It is a condition from whom he wants to postpone his study that he must complete which equal at least to one study semester.
- The postpone request is submitted on the special form and the approval is issued.
- The student study is considered postponed in the following cases:
- Approving the postpone request
- Approving his withdrawal from the study in the study semester according to the stipulations of these regulations.
- The student is permitted to withdraw from studying the subject or more in a period maximum the beginning of the final examinations in the concerned study semester, excluded from that , the student whom they have an administration decision.
- The withdraw in this case will be submitted on a special form to the college dean.
- The student is considered disconnected from the study in the following cases :
- If the study started and the period of draw and addition is over and he was not registered for that year.
- If he cancelled his registration because he did not pay the university fees or any part of it or obtain a financial clearance for the students whom they have study loans.
- If the disconnection of the students exceed more than one academic year he will be considered dismissed from the university unless his disconnection has an accepted excuse.
- If the student considered disconnected fro any reason, his registration in the university will be cancelled, unless he submitted an accepted excuse.
- It is permitted to the student resumed to study after disconnection to register in the subjects or the assignment at the beginning of the year that follows the year that he disconnected in it.
- The student can be transferred from a specialty in the Master Program to another specialty in the Master program through a decision of the dean or his representative if he fulfills the pre – requisites in the program that he desires to transfer into it such as the average , specialty and the vacancy. The common subject in both study plans will be computed for him that he studied in the transferred specialty, in condition that all equivalent subjects from the previous program in his new accumulated average , and the section chief is notified.
- It is permitted to transfer the Master student from outside the university to the Master program in the university similar to the program he transferred from it in case he fulfilled the acceptance conditions and has the vacancies in the program.
- It is a condition that the subject studied by the student in another university and asked to be computed the following:
- Must be equivalent or similar to the subject/subjects in the established study plan.
- the estimation of the student in each subject must not be less than good (B-) or equivalent.
- Approval for computing the subjects will be through a decision from the dean or his representative.
- It is permitted to the accepted or transferred student from another university to inquire computing not more than (12) credit hours he studied in other university and in case the student transferred from specialty to another in American University all subjects that he studied will be computed for him if they were equivalent or similar to the subjects required in his study plan.
- Deduct what is equivalent to one study semester from the maximum limit of the graduation projects against every (12) credit hours and will be computed for the student.
- It is permitted compute the subjects studied by the student in the Post Graduate Diploma in the university in condition that it must be equivalent or similar to the subjects in the study plan of the specialty that the student is registered in it in condition that the student estimation must not be less than good (B-) or equivalent.
- The student joining the Master Degree Program in the university must study not more than (6) credit hours in a similar program in other university recognized by the university in condition that he must obtain the approval of the dean.
- The grades of the subjects indicated above in these regulations will be entered in the accumulated average if the study was in other university
- Passing grades in each subject of the Master Degree Program must be (60%) , but for the comprehend subjects , the passing grade for each subject must be (65%) ..i.e. (C+).
- The subjects will be allotted percentages and estimations according to the following :
Percentage Estimation code Points 85-100 (a) 4 80-84 (b+) 3.5 75-79 (b) 3 70-74 (b-) 2.75 65-69 (c+) 2.5 60-64 (c) 2 Less than 6 (d+) 1.5 - Minimum Limit for passing in the accumulated average in the Master Degree Program (B-) equivalent o (70%).
- It is permitted to the student for the purpose of upgrading his accumulated average to restudy subjects but not more than (15) credit hours all over his period of study in the Master Degree and the higher grade will be computed.
- All subjects grades studied by the student will be computed for him according to the study plan either passing or fail in his accumulated average except the comprehend subjects that are repeated , so the higher grade will be computed only.
- The grade that the student obtained is registered from (A) as higher limit to (D) as Minimum limit.
- The student will receive warning if he did not obtain in any study year the minimum limit in his accumulated average.
- The student will be dismissed from the Master Degree Program in the following cases:
- If he did not obtain the minimum limit in the accumulated average for the subjects at the end of the academic year.
- If he committed a violation resulted to his dismissal according to the established regulation in the university.
- If he could not complete the requirements of obtaining the Master Degree successfully within the period of time allowed for him in these regulations which is equal to six study semesters and the postpone ,withdraw or an excused disconnection period will not be computed.
- the student must complete studying the comprehend subjects successfully before starting the study of the required subjects in his study plan and it is permitted to the dean in a special cases to give permission to the student to study one subject from the program do not depend on the comprehend subjects.
- It is not permitted to compute the subjects that finished before ten years.
- The university or it’s representative in the student seat country will take the decision related to the supervision bonuses on the dissertation and thesis if the supervision is an additional job extra to the study or if it was for one part time job for one of the faculty staff members.
- It is permitted to adjust the title of the dissertation if the situation permits and the adjustment will be done according to the method done for getting the approval.
- Linguistic auditing is done after the objective auditing and the student and the supervisor will be responsible for submitting the dissertation in sound and correct language.
- The Master dissertation is written in the Arabic Language and must be attached with two summaries one in the Arabic Language and the other in the English Language , in condition that any of these two summaries must not exceed more than(600)words.
- The title Page consists of the following:
- Dissertation Title, the name of presenter as it is registered officially in the university
- Name of the Supervisor and the associated supervisor if exist
- Date of evaluation for this dissertation
- The following phrase : This thesis is submitted in completing the requirements of the Master Degree in American University specialty or equivalent in the English Language.
The thesis is submitted on a printed papers size (A4).
- The distance between the two lines must be one and half if it was written in Arabic Language and two distances if it was written in the English Language.
- A margin of (3,5cm) on the right side of the page will be left in the Arabic copy and on the left side in the English copy and all other margins will be (2,5cm).
- The section concerned with the dissertation will follow a unified method to organize the sections of the dissertation and put the filling and fixing the references and indices.
- In case there are maps, pictures , lists, tables or any data drawings, the material used in it must be from the good quality to assure it will be in good condition.
- Six copies will be deposited from the printed dissertation in the university library by the evaluation member after completing the accepting requirements.
- A copy will be forwarded to the concerned section and another to the college dean or it’s representative in the student’s country
- A CD copy will be deposited in the university library according to the specifications determined by the university according to the regulations.